I have a sore/red/flashing/floater-y/sticky/scratchy, etc. eye! What do I do?

If you have a GP in Surrey come and see us under the COS Scheme . Come and see us even if you don't have a Surrey GP - that would be a private examination. You can ring us up directly, or you will be referred to us via your GP or another opticians practice.

All sorts of things can go wrong with the eye but, fortunately, they don't happen often...

All sorts of things can go wrong with the eye but, fortunately, they don't happen often...


COS is a free NHS service and is available to all patients. The aim of this is to provide patients who are experiencing recently occurring eye conditions, suspected cataracts or glaucoma with treatment and advice closer to home.

CES is provided by us, your local optometrists. We have the knowledge and skills to carry out this work and we are a locally approved optometry practice.

Link to CES for more information.



You can access CES by coming in to the practice, or ringing to book an appointment, and asking to be seen under CES. Alternatively, if you make an appointment to see your GP, he or she may refer you to us for further assessment and possibly treatment.

Appointments are available during normal working hours.


Why come to us for CES?

We are highly qualified -  meet the team - and have all the latest equipment.

Please give us a ring for some guidance!


WHat will happen at the cEs appointment?

We will listen to your symptoms, thoroughly investigate (we have a myriad of tests available) and come up with either a plan for treatment, or onward referral if this is indicated.

The great thing is that you can be looked after locally, in a calm environment.